Thursday, 4 September 2014

Java rocks

There are hundreds of programming languages out there, what makes Java stand apart in 2014 ?

 - Java is everywhere: on mobile phones (Android apps are developed primarily in Java), on laptops and desktops, microcomputers (e.g. Raspberry pi). It runs on macs, linux and windows operating systems. It powers the business systems of large multinationals and startups alike. It is currently the second most popular programming language, or number one, function of your source.

 - Performance Measuring performance can be tricky as it's dependent on multiple factors (hardware, application code being measured, benchmark used to measure the performance to name just a few). The consensus though it that Java is in the same league (as fast if not fastest) as the fastest languages around, namely C and C++.

 - An evolving language Java is more than 10 years old but still evolving. The latest release Java 8 in March of this year brought a raft of changes such as lambda expressions, parallel operations, and a revamped date api.

Why not use Java ?
The most common criticism of Java is that it's a verbose language. Wether that's true or not is debatable, verbosity being largely function of the developer skills to start with. More importantly  verbosity is not readability. Most developers would prefer reading 10 lines of crystal-clear code than 1 line of terse and cryptic code, especially when code is being read much more often than it's written.

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